(ii) Non-deadly force may be used only when a designated immigration officer, as listed in paragraph (a)(1)(iv) of this section, has reasonable grounds to believe that such force is necessary.
(iii) A designated immigration officer shall always use the minimum non-deadly force necessary to accomplish the officer’s mission and shall escalate to a higher level of non-deadly force only when such higher level of force is warranted by the actions, apparent intentions, and apparent capabilities of the suspect, prisoner, or assailant.
(iv) The following immigration officers who have successfully completed basic immigration law enforcement training are hereby authorized and designated to exercise the power conferred by section 287(a) of the Act to use non-deadly force should circumstances warrant it:
(A) Border patrol agents, including aircraft pilots-
(B) Special agents-
(C) Deportation officers-
(D) Detention enforcement officers-
(E) Immigration inspectors-
(F) Immigration examiners when in the uniform of an immigration inspector and performing inspections or supervising other immigration inspectors performing inspections-
(G) Supervisory and managerial personnel who are responsible for supervising the activities of those officers listed above- and
(H) Immigration officers who need the authority to use non-deadly force under section 287(a) of the Act in order to effectively accomplish their individual missions and who are designated, individually or as a class, by the Commissioner.
(2) Deadly force.
(i) Deadly force is any use of force that is likely to cause death or serious bodily harm.
(ii) Deadly force may be used only when a designated immigration officer, as listed in paragraph (a)(2)(iii) of this section, has reasonable grounds to believe that such force is necessary to protect the designated immigration officer or other persons from the present danger of death or serious bodily harm.
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