(d) Acknowledgments and agreements. By signing and submitting the Form I-866 each applicant acknowledges and agrees to all of the conditions for participation in the PAL program and the statements on the Form I-866.
(e) Violation of conditions of a Pre-enrolled Access Lane and Revocation. An enrolled participant who violates any condition of the PAL program, or any applicable law or regulation, or who is otherwise determined by an immigration officer to be ineligible to participate in the PAL program, may have his or her authorization and the authorization of his or her vehicle(s) revoked by the Chief Patrol Agent with jurisdiction over the PAL enrollment center where the application is filed and may be subject to other applicable sanctions, such as criminal and/or civil penalties removal, and/or possible seizure of goods and/or vehicles. If an authorized vehicle is sold,stolen, or otherwise disposed of, authorization to use that vehicle in the PAL is automatically revoked. Within 24 hours of when an authorized vehicle is stolen, or within 7 days of when such vehicle is sold, or otherwise disposed of or the license plates are changed, enrolled participants must give, in person or by facsimile transmission, written notice of such occurrence to the PAL enrollment center at which their application was filed. Failure to do so will result in the automatic revocation of the authorization to use the PAL of the person who registered such vehicle in the PAL program. Unless revocation is automatic, the Service will give notice of revocation to the enrolled PAL participant or mail it by ordinary mail to his or her last known address. However, written notification is not necessary prior to revocation of the privilege to participate in the PAL program. There is no appeal from the revocation of an authorization to participate in the PAL program.
(f) No benefits or rights conferred. This section does not, is not intended to, shall not be construed to, and may not be relied upon to confer any immigration benefit or status to any alien or create any rights, substantive or procedural, enforceable in law or equity by any party in any matter.
Sec. 287.12 Scope. (Section added as § 287.11 on 8/17/95- 59 FR 42406) (Redesignated as § 287.12 on 4/18/97- 62 FR 19024)
With regard to this part, these regulations provide internal guidance on specific areas of law enforcement authority. These regulations do not, are not intended to, and shall not be construed to exclude, supplant, or limit otherwise lawful activities of the Immigration and Naturalization Service or the Attorney General. These regulations do not, are not intended to, shall not be construed to, and may not be relied upon to create any rights, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law by any party in any matter, civil or criminal. The Attorney General shall have exclusive authority to enforce these regulations through such administrative and other means as he or she may deem appropriate.
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